Friday, June 19, 2009

Paper Tigers

I hate feeling unsure and helpless to do anything about it. Doubts creep in and cause me to question things I had been so sure of. It's so hard to confront it head on when all I want to do is run from it. How long do I wait? I just don't know what to do.

Heart pounds
To the sound coming after me
Step back
What is that?
It's a mystery
Is it something
Probably nothing
Still I find to scare myself
'Till I remember
This all feels familiar
And I know better

They are only paper tigers following me
In the wild imagination of the make believe
And there's a fighter, a survivor, arising in me
I'm not afraid of paper tigers

Night brings creepy things
And I hide away
False fears disappear
In the light of day
The sun is rising
I'm realizing
The only thing to fear is fear itself
Now I am certain
That my beast of burden
Isn't worth a worry

...I'm not afraid
And I won't run away from paper tigers

I want you to know that waiting isn't the hard part, that I can do. It's the uncertainty that scares me the most.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

I have been...

I have been unfaithful
I have been unworthy
I have been unrighteous
And I have been unmerciful

I have been unreachable
I have been unteachable
I have been unweary
And I've been undesirable

Sometimes I have been unwise
I've been undone by what I'm unsure of
But because of you and all that you went through
I know that I have never been unloved

I have been unbroken
I have been unmended
I have been uneasy
I've been unapproachable

I've been unemotional
I've been unexceptional
I've been undecided
And I have been unqualified

Unaware, I have been unfair
I've been unfit for blessings from above
But even I can see the sacrifice you made for me
To show that I have never been unloved.

This is exactly me. At this moment. Completely unworthy, unqualified, unsure, and undecided. Through it all, there is One thing that never changes amidst my many shortcomings. It's a humbling realization.