Tuesday, August 24, 2010


I'm pretty sure that my sister will eventually be prohibited from every library in the US for overdue books. Is the a Most Wanted List for libraries? I'm pretty sure Kristen is on it...lol.

So success on Plymouth Courthouse Grill food sampling. Possible wedding shower venue? I think yes:)

Rude people bug me. I take my business elsewhere when it happens.

Paul and Kristen are moving out over the next couple days. The house will be much quieter. Pretty sure I'm not going to like it. At least I have Gazebo...

Listening to Ke$ha's song, Take It Off, has made me sad that this is what America has come to. No wonder the world hates us.

I think I need a new hobby. All the ones I want to try are WAY too expensive!

Monday, August 23, 2010

When I Say I Do

And I have never been so sure of anything before,

Like I am in this moment here with you
Now for better or for worse are so much more than only words
And I pray everyday will be the proof
That I mean what I say when I say 'I do'
~When I Say I Do by Matthew West

When I first heard this song, I fell in love with it:) It's amazing to have absolutely no doubts about our future together.I never have to question the depth of his love for me. He shows me in little ways every day we're together. It's hard to imagine loving him even more than I do right now.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Brief Guide About Bridesmaids

I came across this the other day and thought it was cute :)